March 12, 2014

One Thing I Want To Teach My Children

The other day I also got some encouragement about something I wrote on here a long time ago. A friend of our family told me that a post I had written "10 things I want to teach my children" had one point that really stuck with her (That life is full of doing things we don't want to do) and is something she teaches her kids now. I want to add one more thing to that list, but first I need to give some context. 

My wife and I are currently doing a lot of processing and reflecting about our gifts, values and what we want to do. To be honest these aren't questions I've really spent a lot of time thinking about. Its left me feeling a bit frustrated. One of the exercises Heather and I are doing right now is writing down all that we want to do before we die. I wrote that I wanted to get my kids in a place to be successful. To narrow it down I wrote that I wanted to help my kids discover and cultivate their giftings. As parents I think helping our kids discover their gifts is something we can do. Of course, this will also be their responsibility, but we can help them start the process.

So, yes, I want my kids to succeed, 
but I want them to know what is important to them. 
I want them to know what values drive them and their decisions.
I want them to know what they were created for.
I want them to discard every distraction from this calling (even if that distraction is good).
And I want to help them refine their gifts and abilities so that they will be blessed and be a blessing to others.

much love,
the petersons


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